Episode 2605

Volunteer Gardener

August 03, 2017

Season 26 | Episode 05

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Matt Kerske walks the grounds of Husk Nashville where berries, herbs and vegetables are part of the menu. We'll help to get your garden tools in tip-top working condition. Jeff Poppen shares Long Hungry Creek Farm's main key to success, compost. Troy Marden tours a green roof on the top of an 8-story condominium in Nashville.

Watch Clips from this Episode

Garden Tool Maintenance on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Garden Tool Maintenance

We'll help get your garden tools in tip-top working condition.

Husk Nashville on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Husk Nashville

Matt Kerske walks the grounds of Husk Nashville where the berries, herbs and vegetables are part of the landscape and the menu.

When is compost ready? on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

When is compost ready?

Jeff Poppen shares Long Hungry Creek Farm's main key to success, compost.