Episode 2515

Volunteer Gardener

October 13, 2016

Season 25 | Episode 15

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, we visit innovative garden enthusiast who has turned a potential neighborhood eyesore into a source of pride for the community. Julie Berbiglia shares tips and tricks for starting seeds indoors, and on the cheap. And oh, what a snapshot of spring as we enjoy the fabulous show of 100,000 tulips at Cheekwood Botanical Garden.

Watch Clips from this Episode

Cheekwood Spring Show on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Cheekwood Spring Show

Come along as we enjoy the fabulous show of 100,000 tulips at Cheekwood Botanical Garden.

Gardening with a mission in Memphis on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Gardening with a mission in Memphis

Mike Minnis works with youth from juvenile justice system and teaches them life skills in gardening. None of 'his kids' have been in trouble since.

Realizing the growth potential on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Realizing the growth potential

We meet a hard-working and innovative garden enthusiast who has turned a potential neighborhood eyesore into a source of pride for the neighborhood.