Episode 2545

Volunteer Gardener

May 11, 2017

Season 25 | Episode 45

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Annette Shrader strolls through a grand perennial border as it awakens for the growing seasons. Jeff Poppen shares his insights on growing turnips and mustard in an organic garden. We tour an urban garden that is growing food, flowers, and relationships with the Nashville Food Project.

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Spring in Paris (TN) on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Spring in Paris (TN)

Spring is good anywhere, but its best in a well-tended garden. Annette Shrader strolls through a grand perennial border as it awakens for the growing seasons.

Star Stakes on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Star Stakes

A trellis can be created with 5 wooden stakes of 4' length and some twine. The twine is strung around the stakes in intervals in a star pattern hold up tomato plants, for example. Great for container vegetable gardening.

Turnips and Mustards on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Turnips and Mustards

Turnips and mustards are companion plants in the farm field. Both produce edible greens. Learn how they are grown on an organic farm.

Wedgewood Urban Garden on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Wedgewood Urban Garden

We tour an urban garden that is growing food, flowers, and relationships. This Wedgewood Urban Garden serves international residents in the community who come from an agrarian background, neighborhood residents, and the hungry of the community at large through The Nashville Food Project.