Episode 2615

Volunteer Gardener

October 12, 2017

Season 26 | Episode 15

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, we tour a landscape where the biggest delights are found in the smallest of details. Annette Shrader visits homeowners with a definite foliage fixation. Along with the enjoyment we gardeners got from the unusual amount of warm days last winter, there’s a downside. There are more bugs. Jeff Poppen tells us about the October beans on the farm.

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A Garden with Delightful Detail on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

A Garden with Delightful Detail

Troy Marden strolls through a charming backyard landscape that tips the hat to jolly ole England. The attention to detail makes this garden magical.

October Beans on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

October Beans

Jeff Poppen discusses how rainfall in the spring decided when he would plant Taylor's Dwarf Horticulture bean. Putting seeds in the ground at the end of July proved wise. Jeff demonstrates best practices in growing fall beans organically.

Warm Winters

Warm Winters, More Bugs

Warm Winters, More Bugs – Along with the enjoyment we gardeners got from the unusual amount of warm days last winter in the mid-South, there’s a downside. We’ve got more bugs. What can we do organically to combat the problem of so many harmful insects?

Japanese Maples - A Foliage Fixation on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Japanese Maples – A Foliage Fixation

A lot of gardeners find a certain type of plant they like, and then become collectors of that particular plant. Such is the case with man, and his love of Japanese maples.