Episode 2711

Volunteer Gardener

September 13, 2018

Season 27 | Episode 11

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, a gardening couple planned and plotted their dream garden 30 years ago, and we tour these mature garden beds. Then Troy Marden explains how even meticulous garden design plans still have to evolve when issues arise that require modifications. Matt Kerske tours Holtkamp Greenhouses, the leader in the production of African violets.

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Challenges in a large landscape design on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Challenges in a large landscape design

Troy Marden has designed and worked on this very large landscape for a new home over several years. He shares the modifications that had to be made along the way as unforeseen situations occurred.

Grand is the Garden on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Grand is the Garden

A visionary and energetic gardening couple planned and plotted their dream garden for their large backyard space. That was more than 30 years ago, and we have the pleasure of touring these mature garden beds, and seven spectacular water features. The realization of their vision is inspiring.