Episode 2819

Volunteer Gardener

May 21, 2020

Season 28 | Episode 19

Jeff Poppen demonstrates the techniques used to maximize yield in a raised bed garden. Tammy Algood goes to a weed expert for advice on the what, when and how to eradicate weeds. Tammy Algood visits a home garden that features topiary evergreen shrubs and roses. Troy Marden expolores a demonstration ornamental garden at the Nashville Lawn and Garden show.

Watch Clips from this Episode

Glorious Garden Space on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Glorious Garden Space

Yon's Paradise is an appropriate name for this home garden. The homeowners have done this from the ground up, including the lovely evergreen and rose topiaries.

Raised Bed Gardening: Recipe for Success on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Raised Bed Gardening: Recipe for Success

Jeff Poppen discusses and demonstrates ways to maximize yield in a raised vegetable bed.

Weed Management on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Weed Management

Tammy Algood seeks out expert advice on weed control from the UT Agriculture Extension Agency.