Episode 2912

Volunteer Gardener

April 08, 2021

Season 29 | Episode 12

On this episode of Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Julie Berbiglia introduces us to cul2vate, a non-profit whose mission is to feed the hungry, and those who hunger for a fresh start. Sheri Gramer finds a peaceful plant palette in a Springfield garden. Troy Marden visits with a couple of garden enthusiasts who have color-filled flower beds in the front and back yard.

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Cul2Vate on NPT's Volunteer Gardener


Julie Berbiglia visits the Cul2Vate farm in Nashville TN. This non-profit seeks to feed the hungry by growing food and growing people. First, Cul2vate grows and delivers fresh, nutritional local produce to those in need. Second, Cul2vate offers assistance to those in need of a second chance through job readiness, life skills, and business training with the goal of helping individuals find full-time employment.

An Enchanting Garden Space on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

An Enchanting Garden Space

Sheri Gramer enjoys this mature landscape that has a charming water feature, a fairy house, a variety of ferns, wildflowers and hydrangea.