Episode 2911

Volunteer Gardener

April 01, 2021

Season 29 | Episode 11

On this episode of Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Annette Shrader tours the colorful beds of a devoted gardener who is the best friend a plant could have. Jeff Poppen shares his experience growing carrots, including recommendations for proven varieties. Plus, Troy Marden takes in the creative floral displays in the design gallery of the Nashville Lawn and Garden show.

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A Plant's Best Friend on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

A Plant’s Best Friend

Annette Shrader visits with a nurturing gardener who proclaims to be the best friend a plant could have. She can't let a single one fade. We tour her home garden to see her prized trees, perennials and fruit producers.

Joe Smith Floral Design Gallery @ Nashville Lawn and Garden Show on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Joe Smith Floral Design Gallery @ Nashville Lawn and Garden Show

Troy Marden takes us along for the inaugural show at the Joe Smith Floral Design Gallery at the 2020 Nashville Lawn and Garden Show. 'Flowers in Focus' is the theme and local floral designers have submitted some innovative designs.

Growing Carrots on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Growing Carrots

Jeff Poppen has grown a lot of carrot crops over the years. He shares his experience and knowledge as to the soil preparation, the planting, and good varieties to grow.