Episode 2413

Volunteer Gardener

September 24, 2015

Season 24 | Episode 13

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, we tour the organic fields of Green Door Gourmet and find typical Tennessee crops, and some unusual ones. Then we head to the TSU agriculture research farm to check in on the sweet potato trials. Plus, some summer maintenance in the perennial bed.

Watch Clips from this Episode

Landscape Vignettes into Cohesive Design on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Landscape Vignettes into Cohesive Design

This plant collector/gardener has created lovely vignettes throughout his large backyard. One vignette leads to the next and unifies all of the garden spaces.

Green Door Gourmet Organic Farm on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Green Door Gourmet Organic Farm

Tour of a large organic farm located just a few miles from downtown Nashville.