Episode 2445

Volunteer Gardener

May 05, 2016

Season 24 | Episode 45

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Annette Shrader walks us through her selections for foundation plants for the front of her house. Marty DeHart has an inside track to the perennial, shrub and tree choices. Jeff Poppen has examples of his berry bushes propagating in the rows and then starting a new patch. Tammy Algood cooks Freekeh and Chickpea Salad.

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First Impressions on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

First Impressions

Host Annette Shrader walks us through her selections for the landscaping at the front of her home. There's structure, but yet there's still some spaces for free-form plants and garden whimsy.

Freekeh and Chickpea Salad on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Freekeh and Chickpea Salad

Tammy Algood serves up a healthy whole grain in Freekeh and Chickpea Salad.

Propagating / Planting Berry Bushes on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Propagating / Planting Berry Bushes

Biodynamic farmer Jeff Poppen discusses how to propagate blackberry and raspberry bushes. Jeff also demonstrates how to plant a blueberry bush with the addition of sulfe,r and mulching with aged wood chips.