Episode 2452

Volunteer Gardener

June 23, 2016

Season 24 | Episode 52

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Troy Marden visits the trial gardens at UT AgResearch farm in Jackson and finds top-performing shrubs and perennials. Julie Berbiglia tours an urban oasis that features soothing natural elements. Matt Kerske has a quirky take on terrariums.

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Urban Oasis using Natural Elements on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Urban Oasis using Natural Elements

We tour the backyard of a landscape designer and find cohesiveness in the repetition of color and plant choices. There's gathering spots accented with great natural elements and salvaged items that are up-cycled into outdoor furniture and garden accents..

UT Trial Gardens-Shade on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

UT Trial Gardens-Shade

Do you think you have to have sun to have a showy garden? Of course not. Troy Marden visits the trial gardens at UT Agricultural Extension in Jackson and finds top-performing shrubs and perennials.