Episode 2538

Volunteer Gardener

March 23, 2017

Season 25 | Episode 38

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer, can you have a sampling of trees, shrubs, favorite flowers and foliage? Yes you can, says designers Bill Hewitt and Marty DeHart. Annette Shrader talks about getting the most out of your annual bed. We get a terrarium tip from Matt Kerske. Plus, Tammy Algood serves up avocado fries with cilantro dipping sauce.

Watch Clips from this Episode

Avocado Fries with Cilantro Dipping Sauce on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Avocado Fries with Cilantro Dipping Sauce

Tammy Algood serves up avocado fries with cilantro dipping sauce. Yum.

Urban Design on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Urban Design

The new generation of dwarf plant varieties open up a whole world of possibilities for gardeners with small, urban lots. We tour such a garden that is maximizing its potential.