Episode 2707

Volunteer Gardener

August 16, 2018

Season 27 | Episode 07

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Troy Marden tours the native grape vineyards of a home grower. Annette Shrader walks through a daylily display garden. Market gardener and biodynamic farmer Jeff Poppen shares his experiences about the right time to plant certain crops for fewer pest problems and higher yield.

Watch Clips from this Episode

Daylily Display Garden on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Daylily Display Garden

Join a daylily enthusiast for a tour of his backyard garden. Also featured are trees and shrubs in the garden that highlight the daylilies while not inhibiting their growth.

Late Summer Vegetable Garden on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Late Summer Vegetable Garden

Market gardener and biodynamic practitioner Jeff Poppen talks about the heat-loving crops that thrive in summer. A variety of peppers, eggplants, sweet potatoes, okra and beans keep yielding up until first frost.

Muscadines on NPT's Volunteer Gardener


Meet a home gardener who has had success with a variety of muscadines in Middle Tennessee.