Episode 2742

Volunteer Gardener

April 18, 2019

Season 27 | Episode 42

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Tennessee is well-suited for growing hemp, given the climate and existing infrastructure. Tammy Algood walks the fields of a registered farmer in the TDOA pilot program. Troy Marden showcases a variety of bromeliads. Sheri Gramer tours a backyard garden full of inspiration for do-it-yourselfers.

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Bromeliads on NPT's Volunteer Gardener


If you are looking for a striking houseplant, yet easy to care for, then a bromeliad is for you. Most are from the pineapple family. Troy Marden is at Tennessee Tropicals with a showcase of a wide range of sizes, colors and forms.

Industrial Hemp on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Industrial Hemp

In 2014, Tennessee established a program of licensing authorized hemp producers. Tammy Algood visits with Bill Corbin, a farmer in Springfield who is growing hemp varieties specifically for CBD oil extraction. We gain insights into why this crop is such a natural and profitable venture.

Border beds and island beds on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Border beds and island beds

This stunning garden is an example of putting garden design principles into practice. An interesting aspect to this garden is that its caretaker has an affinity for pre-historic looking plants.