Episode 2743

Volunteer Gardener

April 25, 2019

Season 27 | Episode 43

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, we tour the landscaped bioswales that are a key component of the 2012 Complete Streets Project . The plant palette consists of trees, shrubs and perennials that are both drought and water tolerant. We talk about bagworm treatment options. Plus, we examine the culture and habits of bees on a visit to Williams Honey Farm.

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Landscaped Bioswales on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Landscaped Bioswales

What's a bioswale? It's a depressed landscape element designed to concentrate or remove debris out of surface runoff water. They are a key component of this 2012 Complete Streets Project in Nashville, TN.

Williams Honey Farm on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Williams Honey Farm

We get the opportunity to become polleneers as we visit with Jay at Williams Honey farm. Sheri Gramer spotlights their mission to support local farmers, and educate people about the tasks and the accomplishments of bees.