Episode 2815

Volunteer Gardener

April 09, 2020

Season 28 | Episode 15

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Troy Marden teams up with J. Schwanke of the PBS series Life in Bloom to share their love of arranging fresh cut flowers. Julie Berbiglia tours the garden of a husband and wife team who enjoy supporting the pollinators. Annette Shrader has several varieties of established hydrangeas in her yard and she shares how and when to prune.

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Floral Design - For the Joy on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Floral Design – For the Joy

Troy Marden teams up with J. Schwanke from the PBS series Life in Bloom for a tutorial on floral arranging.

Pollinator and People Friendly Garden on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Pollinator and People Friendly Garden

Julie Berbiglia tours the garden spaces of a husband and wife team who appreciate the beauty of plants, and the importance of pollinators.