Episode 3008

Volunteer Gardener

September 02, 2021

Season 30 | Episode 08

Troy Marden learns the new interests of a couple of busy home gardeners. It includes plants that support pollinators, and some bog garden beauties. Tammy Algood visits Farm in the City where members of the community come together to learn and grow. Jeff Poppen talks about the many garden seeds that are relatively easy to harvest and save.

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Pollinators welcome in this garden on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Pollinators welcome in this garden

Troy Marden, knowing how gardens evolve, checks back in at a home garden in Nashville. Updates include the instillation of a lot of lilies, bog gardens, and milkweeds to support pollinators.

Farm in the City 2021 on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Farm in the City 2021

Tammy Algood visits the community garden near downtown Nashville known as Farm in the City. Established in 2010 by Metro Development and Housing Agency, it offers more than 50 raised beds that are open to residents of the J. Henry Hale Apartments as well as the greater community. While this spot didn't start with good soil, there is a concentrated effort to build good soil which supports a food forest and orchard.

Seed Saving on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Seed Saving

Jeff Poppen shows us a variety of seeds that are pretty simple to harvest and store. Kale, beans, peanuts and pumpkins are some that are discussed.