Episode 3103

Volunteer Gardener

August 04, 2022

Season 31 | Episode 03

We tour a suburban yard where the native plants thrive and support insects and wildlife. There's no need here for a lawnmower. We visit another home landscape that keeps it interesting with rounded beds and colorful blooms. We then visit a garden specifically designed for those living with dementia. "Yes you can" is the motto in this safe and lovely space.

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Natives in Plain Sight on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Natives in Plain Sight

We visit a gardener who cherishes native plants even though a lot of lawn services refer to them as weeds. Her yard is a certified wildlife habitat, and she provides as best she can on her urban lot.

Landscape that's not cookie cutter on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Landscape that’s not cookie cutter

We tour the garden beds of a couple who enjoy growing. They have created interest in the landscape with rounded beds. They also take advantage of the sunny areas of the yard to plant flowers and vegetables.