Episode 3014

Volunteer Gardener

April 07, 2022

Season 30 | Episode 14

Monarch butterflies have experienced a dramatic population decline of late. Marty DeHart visits with Rita Venable to showcase plants that provide nectar that supports the Monarch's fall migration. Julie Berbiglia finds there's an evolution toward more sustainable land management on a visit to the campus of Vanderbilt University. Jeff Poppen shares essential tips for a beginning vegetable grower.

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Autumn Nectar Plants on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Autumn Nectar Plants

Environmentally conscientious gardeners should strive to grow a range of late-flowering nectar plants to provide insects with energy to migrate, or build them up for winter hibernation. Rita Venable, author of Butterflies of Tennessee, joins Marty DeHart to discuss top-performers such as goldenrod and New England aster.

Land Management

Land Management, Vanderbilt University

Julie Berbiglia visits the campus of Vanderbilt University to learn how land management practices are evolving toward greater sustainability. Water catchment/usage, and the creation of native meadows are elements of smart gardening practices.

Organic Farming: Good Start = Good Result on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Organic Farming: Good Start = Good Result

Jeff Poppen has been farming the organic way for decades. He shares his wisdom for those who are just becoming farmers. He covers a lot of the basics: plan before you plant, when to plow and when to plant, successive planting, tending a healthy compost pile, smart use of cover crops, the importance of lime, and keeping the critters away.