Episode 3013

Volunteer Gardener

March 31, 2022

Season 30 | Episode 13

Julie Berbiglia visits Warner Parks in Nashville where invasive plants are being chopped down, wrenched up, and tugged out to become Invasive Free by 2027. Annette Shrader is familiar with the concept of lasagna gardening, using green and brown waste. But she learns a new twist on the concept. And Troy Marden tours a home garden that is comprised of native plants. So pretty, and such easy care.

Watch Clips from this Episode

Native Plants Garden on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Native Plants Garden

Enjoy a spring time tour of a landscaper's home garden that is comprised of 95% native plants.

Sustainable agriculture method for a container on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Sustainable agriculture method for a container

A well-read and experienced gardener demonstrates how he recreates lasagna gardening (layering of organic materials in which to grow plants) in outdoor plant containers. He then starts seeds and also grows a variety of vegetables in these containers with great results.

Becoming Invasive Free on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Becoming Invasive Free

Julie Berbiglia visits Warner Parks in Nashville where invasive plants are being chopped down, wrenched up, and tugged out to become Invasive Free by 2027.