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October Beans on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

October Beans

Jeff Poppen discusses how rainfall in the spring decided when he would plant Taylor's Dwarf Horticulture bean. Putting seeds in the ground at the end of July proved wise. Jeff demonstrates best practices in growing fall beans organically.

Hoop House Production on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Hoop House Production

Hootin' Hollow is an organic farm that produces year round thanks to the early starts and the lingering late season crops that a hoop house provides.

Growing peas in Tennessee on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Growing peas in Tennessee

Paying careful attention to choosing the varieties, prepping the soil and seed, then planting at the right time are all part of growign peas in Tennessee.

Grain Corn on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Grain Corn

We visit a market gardener in Shelbyville, TN who grows grain corn in a 4' x 8' raised bed. He shares tips on how he achieves a high-quality yield in a small space, and explains why fresh is tastiest.

Nitrogen on NPT's Volunteer Gardener


Jeff Poppen explains how to achieve and maintain healthy soil without chemicals. He teaches us how to harness the nitrogen that is in plentiful supply above every square foot of earth.

Turnips and Mustards on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Turnips and Mustards

Turnips and mustards are companion plants in the farm field. Both produce edible greens. Learn how they are grown on an organic farm.

Couples and Threesomes in the Garden on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Couples and Threesomes in the Garden

There's a rhythm to the growing seasons at Long Hungry Creek Farm, with pairs of crops going in and out of the garden together. Jeff Poppen explains that it's all in getting the timing right.

Common Problems with squash

Common Problems with squash, tomatoes, cucumbers

Jeff Poppen explains the challenges to growing squash, tomatoes and cucumbers and shares his approach to combat those pests and diseases.

Kale and Collards on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Kale and Collards

Kale is one of the most nutritious plant foods in existence. Jeff Poppen explains how he achieves optimum yields.

Doing Nothing could be best approach on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Doing Nothing could be best approach

At Long Hungry Creek Farm, Jeff Poppen has the farming experience to know that sometimes the best approach is to sit back and let Mother Nature do her thing.

Barrel Composting on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Barrel Composting

Jeff Poppen mixes up a batch of homemade barrel compost and all ingredients come from his farm.

Recycling Yard Waste on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Recycling Yard Waste

We head to Franklin to see how the 100 yard long wind rows comprised of leaves, grass clippings and twigs heat up to become a microbe-rich soil amendment.