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Tips Techniques

Raised Bed Gardening on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Raised Bed Gardening

We check in with a gardener who chooses to grow vegetables in raised beds to increase the variety of crops she grows, the density of the plantings, and year-round growing with a minimum of effort.

Stephanie Dwyer: Metal Artist on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Stephanie Dwyer: Metal Artist

A profile of a Southern folklore metal artist who started her career with a fascination with bottle trees.

Market Gardening on a Dime on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Market Gardening on a Dime

A unique set-up for a high-yielding vegetable gardening using no cost items to start seeds, fertilize and prevent weeds.

White's Creek Flower Farm on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

White’s Creek Flower Farm

We visit an organic flower farm to see how building healthy soil is the first step to growing rows and rows of beautiful flowers.

Monochromatic Floral Design on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Monochromatic Floral Design

Creating floral grouping based singularly on a single color can be elegant, and a more simple arrangement to execute.

Dahlias on NPT's Volunteer Gardener


We hit peak season in this dahlia field where we find 80 varieties.

Pests: Gardener Considerations on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Pests: Gardener Considerations

A discussion about what gardeners should consider when planting and mulching so as to reduce the risk of pest problems in/around the house or other structure.

Growing giant produce on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Growing giant produce

Giant produce doesn't just happen. It starts with special seeds and requires special care and consideration to allow for the phenomenal growth.