Episode 2702

Volunteer Gardener

July 12, 2018

Season 27 | Episode 02

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, from concept to realization, Matt Kerske tours the Level One Arboretum and garden at Davidson Academy in Nashville, TN. Marty DeHart appreciates this home gardener's effective way of displaying miniature hosta. Julie Berbiglia gets tips for gardeners to reduce pest infestation in and around the house.

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Arboretum and Prayer Garden at Davidson Academy on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Arboretum and Prayer Garden at Davidson Academy

From concept to realization, we tour the Level One Arboretum and garden at Davidson Academy in Nashville, TN. This public garden space has 5 years growth. It's been certified as a wildlife habitat by the Tennessee Wildlife Foundation.

Pests: Gardener Considerations on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Pests: Gardener Considerations

A discussion about what gardeners should consider when planting and mulching so as to reduce the risk of pest problems in/around the house or other structure.

Intersectional peonies (Itoh hybrids) on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Intersectional peonies (Itoh hybrids)

Intersectional peonies have many attributes that make them desirable for the landscape. They are hybrids from a cross of tree peonies and herbaceous peonies. Troy Marden visits Iris City Gardens to pick out some favorites.