A Mindful Landscape

Rita Venable visits with a homeowner who began gardening during the pandemic. She had inherited her landscaping when she purchased the home. Now a native plant enthusiast, she’s converted those existing landscape areas into garden beds where native plants, shrubs and trees are performing well.

Plants Featured in this Clip

SYMPHYOTRICHUM oblongifolium (aromatic aster)
QUERCUS macrocarpa (Bur oak)
PYCNANTHEMUM verticillatum (American mountain mint, hairy mountain mint)
ASCLEPIAS tuberosa (Butterfly weed)
JUN(PERUS virginiana 'Brodie'
ILEX opaca (American holly) "Satyr Hill'
CLADRASTIS kentukea (American yellowwood)

Gardener Extras

  1. 'Bringing Nature Home' by Douglas W. Tallamy explains the link between native plant species and native wildlife.

Rita Venable

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