Episode 2747

Volunteer Gardener

May 23, 2019

Season 27 | Episode 47

On Nashville Public Television's Volunteer Gardener, Marty DeHart tours a home garden that features an impressive collection of daylilies; Troy Marden profiles some pretty Japanese maples; Sheri Gramer visits the culinary herb garden of a couple who share the ways they utilize their favorite herbs; and Tammy Algood shares a basic recipe for herb butter.

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Considering a Japanese Maple? on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Considering a Japanese Maple?

Troy Marden showcases some pretty specimens of Acer palmatum (Japanese maples).

Daylilies: a home garden of so many colors on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Daylilies: a home garden of so many colors

There are thousands of named daylilies. It is easy to find one that is so gorgeous you just have to have it. Marty DeHart tours the home garden of a couple who have quite an impressive collection of this vigorous, long-lived perennial.

Herb Border Beds on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Herb Border Beds

Dr. Richard and Carol Stein enjoy growing herbs and using them in the kitchen for family staples. Their backyard herb border beds are full of fragrance, beauty and purpose.

Herb Butters on NPT's Volunteer Gardener

Herb Butters

Tammy Algood walks us through the steps of making delicious herb butters for a spread or a complement to meat and fish.