Featured the following Acer palmatum: 'Murasaki Kiyohime', 'Corallinum', 'Sekimori', 'Ryusen', 'Twombly's red Sentinel', 'Sangokaku', 'Bihou', 'Butterfly', Ghost series, 'Aratama' Acer japonicum featured: 'Meigetsu'. Acer shirasawanum 'Aureum'
Born and raised on a farm, I’ve always appreciated the smell and feel of fresh earth. When we purchased our home 35 years ago, it had some land, but not a single flower. I began the process of plotting and planning garden beds and borders, and have not stopped. Looking out at this mature landscape, it gives me a sense of accomplishment here in my own botanical garden. On her producer role with Volunteer Gardener, Annette says “These are treasured experiences. The passion that people have for their gardens sends me home feeling refreshed, and challenged.