The allure of daylilies

Since the early 1930s, hybridizers have made great improvements in daylilies. From the color range, to the patterns, to the form, there’s a lot to love. Annette Shrader visits Bluebird Springs Farm where the daylilies are blooming, and taking center stage.

Plants Featured in this Clip

HEMEROCALLIS 'Primal Scream'
HEMEROCALLIS 'My Offer Stands'
HEMEROCALLIS 'Gigantic Ray of Sunshine'
HEMEROCALLIS 'Titanic Tower'
HEMEROCALLIS 'Angels Bow Down'
HEMEROCALLIS 'Little Lemon Twist'
HEMEROCALLIS 'Aliens on Bourbon'
HEMEROCALLIS 'Electrifying Ripples'
HEMEROCALLIS 'Double Discovery'
HEMEROCALLIS 'Fine as Frog's Hair'

Gardener Extras

  1. Typical height of bloomscapes on HEMEROCALLIS 'Primal Scream' is 34 inches. It is officially classified as 'unusual form'.
  2. According to the American Hemerocallis Society, the 'official types of daylily flower forms are classified as single, double, spider, unusual from, and polymerous flowers.
  3. More than 80,000 varieties of daylilies are said to exist, with more being developed every year.

Gardener Notes

Bluebird Springs Farm The nursery specializing in native perennials and pollinator plants is open Saturday/Sunday 8am - 4pm, and by appointment.

Annette Shrader

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