Growing healthy orchids

Orchids are popular house plants and can produce beautiful blooms over many years, if they receive the proper care. Annette Shrader sets out to de-mystify orchid growing with an orchid hobbyist and member of the Orchid Society of Middle Tennessee. Growing medium, proper watering and fertilization, re-potting, pests + solutions are all discussed.

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Gardener Extras

  1. Many orchid growers recommend the 'weakly weekly' approach to fertilizing. Always water first, then follow with fertilizer solution. Completely dry roots will burn when hit with the fertilizer solution. Completely dry roots will burn when hit with the fertilizer solution.
  2. Epiphytes rely on a host plant merely for physical support. An epiphyte derives nourishment from the air, falling rain, and the compost that lies on the host plant.
  3. If an orchid is put in a pot that is too big, there are not enough roots to take up the moisture being held by the potting mix. The roots will stay wet and the plants will deteriorate.

Annette Shrader

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